The IOT refers to the interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded computing like devices, and sensors with the existing internet infrastructure. The sensors are at the core of the IOT which transforming how we work and live in our ecosystem.The sensors and technologies are creating the smart verticals which includes the smart homes, healthcares, Business units etc.., Though we have different definitions for the IOT , we can stated as it is a real world connections between the machines and the intelligence.
The IOT contains the physical components to interact with the inner or outer world environment to take the intelligent decisions.As per the definitions it’s having the following components for the interaction
These are the real world devices and network protocols which is containing the embedded sensors and software application to interact with the global infrastructure.
The communications are typically the network protocols which are the interface between the objects. These protocols can vary depending upon the network what we are using like WAN, LAN and PAN.
Computing is carried out in different types of devices like Mobile, Server based devices. We are going for computing to achieve the following two things, one is to make a system to take the intelligence decisions by its own. The other one is to analyze and understand the IOT user behavior.
In the development of the application which involve IOT. IOT gadget , device application and common module plays a vital role in analyzing the performance and behavior of IOT service. The IOT covers all of these things connected to the internet like thermostat, automobile or working machine. The IOT is quickly becoming something the world relies on to drive, report and optimizes performance from the timing of run, to gear the mileage of the car. And still it needs to be tested.As from the above statements, the IOT includes both hardware and software components. It’s critic tasks for the QA to test. Though the devices and sensors are typically tested by the device engineers, but the understanding of the application intelligence and real time complexity of devices are an extremely new art to the QA and even for the application developers. A Comprehensive QA strategy is required to cover the depth and breadth of IOT Testing. The Strategy includes the Type of testing to be carried out, Setup the environment and the simulators or virtual devices to test the applications.
Testing AreasThe Internet of things is a framework in which all things have a representation and a presence in the internet. It is pivotal to examine the data simulation and virtualization techniques. Stubs and data recorders are the options for generating these data for testing.Our QA organizations can split the testing area of IOT into two consecutive layers. It’s always ease to identify the techniques and types of testing as the QA needs to be the part of these two layers.
This is the place where the objects which includes both the hardware and software communicate with each other in the real time IOT environment and form the interactive intelligence.For Example: Interaction between the mobile application and bank accounts which is helpful in making smart transactions over the phone.
This is the important layer which is the touch point between the user and objects. A better user experience is when there is seamless flow of communication. Usability and user experience are the key points of this layer.
To conquer the above problem, we are following the below testing approach and types
Novature has the expert testing team which will engage in involving the gathering of the IOT requirements and do the testing over the internal or external infrastructure. It can come up with what type of tools to be used to succeed the performance of your application.This testing covers the expeditious of the communication network as well as the scalability of the computation capabilities of the embedded software system such as web or user interface and backend computing.
QA involves in analyzing the versions of the different devices, sensors, protocols and multiple configurations and also the operating systems of mobile to evaluate the compatibility across the various system modules.It involves contesting possible combination of versions of devices, versions of mobiles, version of various network protocols and the various mobile OS.
With the billions of sensors in the marketing, it’s crucial to tackle the privacy of the data and the security in the IOT ecosystem. To attains the security, Novature is following well certified methodologies which is the trendy in testing world now a days and also in addition to the testing we will provide the certification for the security which is used to expedite the testing on the other functional areas rather than the security perspectives.
To dispatch the delivery of the product, novature follows the exploratory testing which involves one day in a life scenarios and the beyond the functional requirements scenarios to evolve the communication gap between the real time devices.
In real time usability, the user experience and usability are the important factors. Novature achieve this testing by the human interactions with the IOT system.By performing this, the end user can able to know the product friendliness and ease of use.
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