Novature Tech is an Independent Software Testing and Quality Assurance Services Company. Novature stands for “Innovation for Future”. As the name implies, Novature Tech strives to implement blend of proven and innovative approaches in the field of Software Testing to deliver best quality, highly efficient and cost effective solutions. It is a private limited company head quartered in Chennai, India with its partners spread across the globe.
Novature Tech provides holistic solutions for Software Testing. It ensures high quality and speed delivery to market. It’s key service offerings are Functional Testing, Regression Testing, Test Automation, Performance Testing, Test Process Consulting, Data Analytics – ETL Testing, Agile Testing, Non-Functional Testing, Security Testing, Security Audit, Mobile Testing and IOT Testing.
WORDS – COMPANY NAME Novature is amalgamation of two words namely Nova and Ture. Nova stands for Innovation and Ture means future. So, Novature stands for Innovation for Future.
COLOURS – LOGO The two colors in our Logo emphasis our ideology. Blue represents Knowledge, Power, reliability and responsibility and Orange represents enthusiasm, vibrant, innovation, creativity and stimulation. We contribute to the growth of our Clients by being knowledgeable on their needs and deliver with high responsibility, reliability and quality by applying our Technical expertise and innovation.
SHAPE – LOGO Our Logo shape shows upward trend that represents Growth. The upward trend is achieved by the appropriate amalgamation of expertise (Blue) and innovations (orange). We work towards the growth of our Clients by continuous implementation of Innovation in Technology.
We believe, the growth in Business is achieved by a well-defined platform with continuous innovation.
The solid blocks in blue represent the Technology whereas the orange flavor represents innovation. We believe, the growth can be achieved by strong Technical expertise promoted through innovation.
We are driven by our ideology that expertise of Technology supported by innovation is the fundamental for growth of Business.
We adhere to zero-tolerance against bribery and corruption
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